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Why Do You Want To Move House All The Time?

Stuff packed ready to move home - Why do I want to move house all the time

This article came about because I love to move all the time, and I have moved many times in my life. Whereas my wife doesn’t like to move and hasn’t moved very much when compared to how many places I’ve lived.

People want to move house all of the time either because they are unhappy and they are looking for happiness, or because they love moving and get excited about moving to somewhere new and love the adventure it brings. But moving is expensive, which makes moving house all the time a costly exercise.

When my wife asked “why do I love to move house all of the time“, I told her it was because I get excited about moving, it’s the excitement of moving to somewhere new I love.

I love unpacking in a new place even though it does mean I have to make new friends. My last big move was to move from Cambridge area to Dorset when I met my wife, and since then we have moved once more to where we live now. But I’d love to move again, either in the UK or to move somewhere overseas for a few years, somewhere warm would be lovely.

Please also read this article to discover how you could save £71,475 on your next mortgage if you sell your house and rent before buying againEven I was amazed when I did the calculations! The strategies you learn in this article will not only save you money, but it will also reduce the stress of buying your next home.

Reasons why people move house

There are two main reasons why people move house, which are either to move away from someone or something, or to move towards someone or something. The something could relate to the house itself, for example the current home is too small, and the someone could be to live with a new partner.

Reason for moving examples

  1. You’ve fallen in love.
  2. Found a new job too far away to commute.
  3. You have a new child on the way which means the current home is too small.
  4. You want to move out of a city and live in the country.
  5. You’re getting a divorce or splitting up with a partner.
  6. Downsizing.
  7. Moving abroad for a totally new life.
  8. Moving out of your parents home for the first time.
  9. You’re having second thoughts about the property you’ve bought.
  10. You’ve lost a loved one.
  11. School catchment area.
  12. Finding happiness.
  13. Living closer to family.
  14. Redundancy.
  15. Money troubles.
  16. Being repossessed.
  17. Horrible neighbours.
  18. For a better way of life and a change of scenery.
  19. Looking for a new home renovation project.
  20. Going to university.

That’s quite a long list of reasons for moving house, which may help you understand why you want to move house all the time.

But if you are continually moving house because you are unhappy, then you may want to take a closer look at yourself. Moving is expensive, and the cost of moving will never be recouped.

But more importantly, if you keep moving because you’re unhappy, another move isn’t going to make any difference. It is at this point you need to seek help.

Is it bad to move houses often?

It is bad to move houses too often, as moving house is stressful, especially if you’re buying and selling at the same time. This is why I recommend you sell first and rent before buying again. It is also bad to move houses often due to the costs associated with moving, which can never be recouped.

What does it mean when a person moves a lot?

If you are a person who moves around a lot it could be you are simply a wanderer, which is known as a vagabond or a nomad. It’s possible this could be in your DNA as there are groups of people who are nomads and move around all the time.

Do you get excited about moving?

If you are moving because you’re excited, I’d say that is a good thing, and it’s more likely you’re moving towards someone or something for positive reasons. This might be for a new job opportunity or because you’ve fallen in love.

Are you moving to run away from something or someone?

If your reason for wanting to move house all of the time is because you’re running away from something or someone, this can’t be good and will need addressing at some point. The ‘someone’ may be a bad relationship, or the ‘something’ might be because the property is too small.

But if you keep wanting to move house because you are wanting to move away from ‘something’, there will be an underlying driver for these feelings. Or there will be a psychological reason that’s driving you to create the situations you keep running away from.

Are you wanting to move to find perfection?

There is no such thing as perfection. Nothing is perfect in life, and if you’re looking for it you will never be happy. If you find yourself picking fault with your new home immediately after moving in, you probably fall into this category.

You may need to seek professional help with your emotions and to resolve the underlying problem that’s pushing you to find perfection. This can be exhausting and you’ll probably live your life being unhappy because nothing will ever be good enough.

Consider renting as this is cheaper when moving from one home to the next

If you find you have a real need to keep moving all the time, you may be better off renting instead of buying.

Moving from one rented property to another is far cheaper than selling a property and buying another one. Moving from one rented property to another will cost removal fees each time you move, but you won’t have estate agent selling fees, conveyancing legal fees, the cost of surveys, Stamp Duty costs, mortgage fees and so on.

The downside of renting rather than owning a property is when it comes to owning pets, as some landlords don’t allow their tenants to have a pet.

On the other hand, moving from one rented house to another is far quicker than selling and buying another house, which can often times take several months. Plus house sales can fall through, or you can get gazumped too.

You may like to read this article about considering selling and renting instead. There are more disadvantages to renting instead of buying, but it will be up to you to consider these advantages vs disadvantage.

Always give it at least 2 years before moving again

If you’ve only just bought a property and you want to move to another house already, you are probably wise to stay for at least two years first. In a rising property market this will at least help you to cover the moving costs with the increase in equity.

Take your time choosing your next move

If you find you’re unhappy where you live, and especially if you’ve only recently moved in, you should be careful the next time you move.

You should never be hasty about buying any property, and you should visit the property on more than one ocassion. But you should also spend time getting to know the area, especially if the area is totally new to you.

If there are any niggles about a house you’re looking to buy, get to the bottom of the problem before committing to the purchase. Satisfy yourself so these niggles don’t turn into problems once you’ve moved in.

Please don’t forget to read this before you leave…

Please don’t forget to also read this article to discover how you could save £71,475 on your next mortgage if you sell your house and rent before buying againAs I said earlier, even I was amazed when I did the calculations! Learn about how you will reduce the stress of moving house, whilst at the same time potentially save thousands in the process!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this article about why do I want to move house all the time

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Why Do You Want To Move House All The Time?

Article written by Russell Bowyer who has been investing in property since purchasing his first commercial property in the 1990's for his own Chartered Accountancy business. But his first property investment project was to turn an old dilapidated restaurant into a large 5-bed home, which he purchased for £117,500 and sold for £450,000 (to see an "after" photo of the house before it was sold see here: About). Russell owns a number of investment properties, which includes houses, flats and HMO's. More recently he has turned his creative side to investing in property using lease options. His largest lease option deal to date was to acquire 12 properties worth over £2 million for just £12, which means he paid just £1 to acquire each property!

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