Bowfin Property

Property Solutions to Sell Your House Fast For Market Value

Property discussion

Should You Buy A House With An Old Boiler? (What Are The Risks)

There’s nothing wrong in buying a house with an old boiler, as long as you have the funds to replace it if it fails. It’s worth offering less on the property to reflect this fact or reduce your offer if the old boiler is picked up in the survey, but the vendors don’t have to accept your low offer.

Which Is Better A Bigger House Or Bigger Garden?

If it’s a choice between a bigger house or bigger garden you should find a house with the biggest garden you can afford with a house that’s big enough to accommodate the size of your family. If the house is smaller than you want but big enough for now, if the garden is big enough you can extend.

Are North Facing Gardens Really That Bad? (North Facing Pros and Cons)

North facing gardens are bad if you love sunshine and bright gardens. They get less sunshine, especially in the winter months, which is bad because the lawn will struggle to grow and is particularly noticeable across the back of the property. Plus the rooms at the rear of the house will be dark.

Do Clean Windows Help To Sell A House? (Do You Make More Money?)

Home improvements recommended by estate agents surveyed by HomeGain shows that clean windows boost the sale price of houses by up to £1,700 ($2,300). Cleaning and de-cluttering your home before you sell provides an average return on investment of 594%. It’s also recommended by 91% of estate agents.

Can You Sell Your House With A Broken Boiler? (Fix It Or Drop The Price?)

You can sell your house with a broken boiler, but in order to do so you will have to drop the asking price by more than the price of a new boiler. If you try to sell your house with a broken boiler you must disclose this fact and your house will attract buyers looking for a renovation project.

Can You Sell Your House Before Paying Off The Mortgage?

You can sell your house before paying off your mortgage if you sell using a lease option, which means the mortgage remains in place. If your mortgage is less than your property’s worth you’ll still receive part of your equity. But if you’re in negative equity a lease option means you can still move.

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