Bowfin Property

Property Solutions to Sell Your House Fast For Market Value

Author : Russell Bowyer

Article written by Russell Bowyer who has been investing in property since purchasing his first commercial property in the 1990's for his own Chartered Accountancy business. But his first property investment project was to turn an old dilapidated restaurant into a large 5-bed home, which he purchased for £117,500 and sold for £450,000 (to see an "after" photo of the house before it was sold see here: About). Russell owns a number of investment properties, which includes houses, flats and HMO's. More recently he has turned his creative side to investing in property using lease options. His largest lease option deal to date was to acquire 12 properties worth over £2 million for just £12, which means he paid just £1 to acquire each property!

Can You Buy The Rental House From Your Landlord?

You can buy your rental house from your landlord if they are selling if you are able to afford the purchase. You may need to borrow part of the purchase price on a mortgage and you will also need a deposit. Your credit report must be in good order to get a mortgage to buy your landlord’s property.

Should You Buy A House With A Thatched Roof? (What Are The Risks?)

It’s okay to buy a house with a thatched roof as long as you understand that a thatched roof house needs more maintenance than a house with a standard tile or slate roof. A thatched roof needs replacing every 30 to 40 years which is expensive and it costs more to insure a house with a thatched roof.

Can You Sell Your House If You are A Guarantor? (Are You Restricted?)

Being a guarantor will not stop you from selling your own house. Your guarantee on the other person’s mortgage is a guarantee that you will meet the payments of their mortgage if the borrower is not able to. Being a guarantor is not linked to the sale of your house nor to your mortgage.

Can You Sell Your House If Your Husband or Wife Is In Jail?

You may be in the unfortunate situation where your husband or wife is in jail or prison and need to sell your matrimonial home. You may be wondering whether being in prison somehow changes a person’s rights to a share in your property. It is understanding these rights that are important when looking at whether […]

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