Bowfin Property

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Property discussion

Should You Buy A House With A South Facing Garden? Are they worth the extra value?

If you buy a house with a south facing garden in the northern hemisphere the back of the house will enjoy sunlight for most of the day. The back garden will be drenched in sunshine for most of the day. Some homebuyers are willing to pay over £32,000 more for a south-facing garden.

Should Water Tank In Loft Be Covered With A Lid?

The water tank in your loft should be covered with a lid to prevent dust, birds and vermin from entering the tank. Also, water in a water tank without a lid can evaporate into the loft space and may cause condensation. If you have a header tank for your heating system this should also have a lid.

Can You Rent Out A Retirement Flat? What are the restrictions?

You can only rent out a retirement flat if the lease allows you to do so, but you may need to obtain permission from the freeholder and pay a consent to let fee. But there may be restrictions on who the property can be rented to, which will include the same age restrictions set for buying the flat.

Property Lease Options: How they work & how to find the deals

Property lease options are contracts that give you control over property, and as a general rule to generate an income from it, but could equally be control over a property for you to live in. The option contract gives you the right, but not the obligation, to buy the property in the future.

Should You Buy A House That Has Been Treated For Termites?

It’s okay to buy a house that has been treated for termites, but only after an inspection to confirm the termite treatment was successful and the structural integrity of the house is sound. Most houses in areas where termites are present will require treatment at some stage so this shouldn’t put you off buying.

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