Bowfin Property

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How can I legally get out of my mortgage

How Can I Legally Get Out Of My Mortgage? (7 Options That work)

How can I legally get out of my mortgage? This article runs through 7 options that work well Depending on your circumstances depends on which option is best.

If the reason you are looking to legally get out of your mortgage is divorce or separation, it’s better if you can agree amicably.

What To Do If You Bought A House You Can’t Afford (7 Top Tips)

If you’re struggling with what to do if you bought a house you can’t afford, here are 7 top tips for what to do, together with what not to do also.

Since the 2008 property crash, it’s been much more difficult to purchase a home you can’t afford, but can it’s possible to find yourself biting off more than you can chew!

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