Bowfin Property

Property Solutions to Sell Your House Fast For Market Value

Help to sell my property

Can I Get My Home Back After Repossession (What Would It Take And What Are Your Rights?)

After your home is repossessed, you’ll be homeless. You may still have a mortgage shortfall and you’ll have to find somewhere else to live. But can you get your home back after repossession? In theory yes you could get it back. But you’d have to clear the mortgage, the arrears and all the other associated costs of a repossession first. But this is not recommended, you are better to prevent the repossession in the first place.

What’s The Best Way To Sell My Property Portfolio Of Buy To Let’s

What’s the best way to sell my property portfolio of buy to let’s depends on how large your investment portfolio is. If you have one or two properties with sitting tenants you could either sell to another landlord or convert these properties back to residential houses to sell to home owners. For larger buy to let property portfolios your need to sell to another landlord looking to expand their property portfolio.

Are Lease Options Legal In The UK (Will A Lease Option Help Sell My Home)

The concept of lease options is legal in the UK. In fact the ‘options’ element of the lease option contract have been around since the dawn of property. Options have been used by many developers to secure properties, but mostly in the commercial sector. Whereas now lease options are common in the residential sector too. The basic concept of a lease option contract means that a buyer pays you an upfront amount so they have the right to buy your home in the future, whilst paying you a monthly rent to cover your mortgage.

Is Voluntary Surrender Of Your Home Better Than Repossession UK

If you would like to know whether voluntary surrender is better than repossession, I’d say neither is better than the other. In fact both are bad. Going through a repossession will cause untold stress, you’ll lose your home, and may end up having a mortgage shortfall (which the bank can force you to pay) and you’ll end up homeless and have a terrible credit report to boot. There are much better alternatives to both voluntary surrender and forced repossession.

What are The Risks Of Lease Options In The UK (Are Lease Options A Scam?)

Those who claim that lease options are a risk or have pitfalls argue that investors are only there to exploit the market and expand their portfolio. But when they say this they don’t realise that the lease option companies with integrity provide lease options as a service to help people in need. There are times when people are unable to sell their home and are facing repossession and need a life-line. A lease option is just that when provide by a reputable lease option company.

Lease Option vs Assisted Sale (What’s The Difference?)

Lease option vs assisted sale and what’s the difference between these two solutions. Both of which help you to sell your home quickly. These contracts can be arranged within 30 days generally. But the main difference is in the length of time between the original signing of the contract and when the contract completes or at the point the option is exercised. A lease option is much longer and will generally be longer than 12 months. Whereas an an assisted sale is shorter and will generally be less than 12 months.

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